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Tactical Teaching

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I hope my resources simplify your planning, give you the much needed extra hours for an improved work-life balance and take your teaching to the heights you want it to go.




I hope my resources simplify your planning, give you the much needed extra hours for an improved work-life balance and take your teaching to the heights you want it to go.
Self and Peer Assessment SPAG Check_2018

Self and Peer Assessment SPAG Check_2018

** Please leave a review. Thank you ** What is this resource? This is a simple to use (tried and tested) self and peer pssessment SPAG check using literacy notations. How do I use it? The teacher uses these codes when they mark the pupils’ work. The students then use a green pen and use the teacher’s codes to correct their work before re-drafting their writing (minus the errors). Alternatively, the check sheet can be used as a peer assessment task – again using a green pen - or as a simple self-assessment task after the teacher has marked the pupils’ exercise book. In this instance, the student examines the corrections the teacher has made and amends the SPAG errors (using the codes) in a green pen. **Who is it for? ** Whole School Literacy Curriculum links? Whole School Marking Policies, Literacy Programmes and Literacy Support Sessions Practical Tips? It works well as a 10 min starter - if you’re handing back feedback at the beginning of lesson and want to show progression in practice
60 Second Mini Breaks (can be used as starters and plenaries)

60 Second Mini Breaks (can be used as starters and plenaries)

What is this resource? It is for use in double lessons when a mini break is needed It can be used as starters or plenaries It can be used to develop EAL students’ speaking and listening skills Who is it for? Teachers EAL teachers/ iteracy Support teachers SEN teachers Special Needs teachers What’s included? 36 topics that can be printed on paper and laminated for re-use Curriculum links? Whole School Literacy Programmes, EAL and Literacy Support Sessions Practical Tips? Print them in colour on paper and laminate them for reuse
Student's  response and  reflection on their work - before the teacher marks their work

Student's response and reflection on their work - before the teacher marks their work

This can be used across the school to encourage student to reflect on their literacy development and self-editing skills. If you print two slides per 1 piece of A4 it can be easily glued in after a student has completed the work and before the teacher marks it. It is useful for ensuring students are critically assessing their own work so they become independent learners. Also, it’s good for showing progression if you’re planning on getting students to re-draft their work after you’ve marked it.
Breaking into Written and Visual Sources with Reluctant Readers

Breaking into Written and Visual Sources with Reluctant Readers

What is this resource? It is a differentiated worksheet that teaches reluctant readers and students with low literacy skills how to break into written and visual sources so they learn to decode independently Who is it for? KS3 - KS4 What’s included? A set of analytic questions that teach students how to decode texts and images Curriculum links? Whole School Literacy Programmes and any curriculum area that draws on sources in its content
Classroom Agreement - KS3 and KS4 (any subject)

Classroom Agreement - KS3 and KS4 (any subject)

A useful resource is you need to bring a class into line or just set up your expectations. This is an appropriate for KS3 and KS4. The students read through it and then sign it before it is glued into the front of their books (or the back) where it can be referred to when misbehaviour occurs. I hope it helps!
Whole School Socratic Questioning -display or mobile

Whole School Socratic Questioning -display or mobile

Really useful when extending students’ thoughts about a subject and equally good during observations when you need to show you’re extending students’ thinking by analysing more deeply. For the mobile: print it off in colour, cut up, attach the image of the brain at the top of the mobile, hole punch the question tags and attach them to their specific red banner. Or just use it for a display that is near your board so you can refer to it repeatedly in lessons. Suitable for all year groups and all curriculum areas.
Praise Award

Praise Award

Just add your name and remove the blank line, print it onto coloured card, date and sign and it’s ready to go!
6 Thinking Hats inspired group work task - analysing visual stimulus

6 Thinking Hats inspired group work task - analysing visual stimulus

This 6 Hats task is designed to be a whole-school resource for analysing vusual stimulus but it can be adapted to become a kinaesthetic task too (jsut change the wording). The resource uses sentence starters for differentiation too. It can be used to analyse newspaper images, historical images, art etc and is especially good as an information gathering task before writing creatively, doing artwork or discussing/responding to historical sources. Suitable for KS3 and KS4.
Whole School Target Setting Resources

Whole School Target Setting Resources

For use in any department. Suitable for NQTs or new HODs who might not have a resource bank at hand. The pack includes: • Peer Assessment WWW and EBI (with tick/cross SPaG grid) • Individual Learning Plan templates with suggested targets (for the front of exercise books • Improving spelling grid at the end of each half term • Student Voice Survey x 2 • Termly Target Setting Sheet (including Teacher’s Comment section) • SWOT analysis template
20 Whole School Plenaries, Starters and Mini-Plenaries

20 Whole School Plenaries, Starters and Mini-Plenaries

Here are 20 tried and tested starters, plenaries and mini-plenaries that are ready to go. Please note they are suitable for any curriculum area at Key Stage Three and Key Stage Four and even Primary School lessons . All you have to do is transfer them to your own Powerpoint or IWB presentations. Some need you to add a statement to one or two, or add the heading of your lesson or the date.